IT Asset Remarketing-India

Are you planning to upgrade the IT equipment or want to get rid of the obsolete equipment? Then avail of our IT asset remarketing services. We help you make profits from retired assets.


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    What is IT asset remarketing, and how can it benefit your business?

    IT asset remarketing ensures unused or obsolete IT equipment is disposed of or recycled properly. It helps organizations to gain a good amount by selling used assets. IT asset remarketing is done safely while keeping up with the ever-changing IT innovations. The company no longer has to deal with electronic waste, if availing of the IT asset remarketing service.


    it asset remarketing india

    Why should you remarket your used IT assets?

    Get the Best Recovery Value for Used Equipment

    You can turn old assets into a source of revenue for the company. Our remarketing platform will allow you to effectively resell the IT assets that you are not using anymore at a good price.


    Environmentally Responsible Method

    Eco-friendly data destruction methods like wiping and shredding are used for data destruction. In shredding, the IT assets are separated into plastic and metal to send them for recycling instead of throwing them into landfills.


    Verifiable Data Destruction

    The data stored on IT equipment are handled with high confidentiality. All the data stored on those assets will be wiped out beyond retrieval.


    Safe and Reliable Remarketing of E-Waste

    When the IT devices are broken into tiny pieces, all the components are segregated and sent to recycling units and the non-recyclable materials would be disposed of safely. With the recycling of e-waste, there would be no or less waste entering landfills. This allows you to reuse valuable components, and reduce pollution and space in landfills.


    safe and reliable

    Advantages of Choosing Us for IT Asset Remarketing

    You cannot just dispose of unused or retired IT assets in the dumpster. There comes IT asset remarketing service which provides numerous advantages such as generating cash to purchase future IT assets and getting rid of unused hardware devices, creating ample space in the server room, and protecting the environment by recycling the e-waste.


    Our IT Asset Remarketing Process:

    The process is simple wherein the assets’ value is evaluated and the data on these are wiped off and tested. Later, these are repaired for resale.


    Collection of Assets

    The IT asset remarketing process starts with a collection of retired assets such as storage devices, hard drives, laptops, desktops, servers, and other IT equipment to check their quality and condition.


    Logistics Integration

    The logistics team is involved, it collects the assets that the company wants to recycle or dispose of their location and transports them securely to the processing facilities.


    Destruction of Data and De-identification

    The next big thing is to wipe off the data stored on these devices by following all data protection laws. Various destruction methods are embraced to erase data so that no one misuses it.


    Auditing and Reporting

    Once the assets reach the processing facility, the auditing process starts with passing assets to the refurbished and remarketing area for barcoding. The team will check the products to find out their potential value.


    Repair, Resale, and Delivery

    The team will fix the issues with the assets including the functionality, configuration, and aesthetics part to get a high value when they are sold. The reconditioned products sold to customers are delivered to their location.


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    We are always ready to help our customers with the best advice and assistance.

    IT asset remarketing refers to reselling your end-of-life IT equipment that allows you to reclaim value and reduce the overhead of IT costs. Recycling involves disassembling the asset and collecting functional parts so that it reenters the supply chain.

    IT assets’ condition and rate of depreciation is thoroughly gauged to determine its remarketing potential. So, even if it is non-functioning, it may fetch you a good resale value.

    IT asset remarketing significantly decreases the accumulation of toxic wastes in landfills. It reduces the demand for new IT equipment which helps save natural resources.

    Talk to our Service Experts.

    Our experts with exceptional knowledge and experience in the field ensure you get top-quality ITAD services.

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