it asset recycling india

IT Asset Recycling-India

Do you have obsolete IT assets that are ready for disposal? We offer reliable and affordable recycling services to help you recycle those used assets properly while being compliant with all government environment-related regulations.


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    What is IT asset recycling? How does it benefit your organization?

    IT asset recycling is a process to check unused or obsolete assets decommissioned by organizations and reuse them or reprocess their metal parts or materials that can be used for manufacturing new electronic products. Companies will benefit from this recycling process as such assets can be repurposed and used instead of just reaching landfills. Also, it prevents physical waste and environmental pollution.


    what is it recycling

    Advantages of IT Asset Recycling

    Environmental Friendly

    The IT recycling program will have a good impact on the environment since recycling will allow you to reuse metals instead of mining them. This saves energy and money and reduces pollution.


    Data Security

    Recycling is done after removing the data on electronic storage devices using data sanitization methods. Data erasure and physical destruction are done using approved tools and following industry standards.


    Economic Benefits

    Recycling assets will save maintenance costs for a company. Recycling electronic waste will avoid the amount spent on disposal. And, you get to earn extra by selling your assets to authorized recyclers.


    Are there any rules for IT Asset Recycling

    Certain rules are to be followed to recycle IT assets to prevent data breaches and avoid causing harm to the environment. During the recycling process, the company will remain compliant with environmental regulations. Data cleansing is completed by erasing data in accordance with the GDPR rules. Waste recycling is also done as per the WEEE directive.


    are there any rules
    why us

    Why choose us?

    We follow all the best practices to remove data on electronic storage devices and recycle them. We work according to the current rules set by regulatory bodies. A separate team holding expertise in decommissioning, recycling, and remarketing of equipment oversees the entire process. We also offer you with secure data eradication certificate and ensure to reduce electronic waste at the end.


    Our Recycling Process

    The recycling process followed by our organization will cover these steps one by one


    Assets Valuation

    After getting the list of inventory, we evaluate the used assets’ value and if you are satisfied with the quotation, we contact you for picking up the equipment.



    We do not charge a single penny for collecting the IT equipment from your location. We have safe vehicles with integrated high-security measures for collection and ensure nothing is lost.


    Quick Quotation

    Our team works swiftly to inspect the equipment as soon as it arrives at our facility to send you the quotation without any delays. Once it is accepted by you, the next step follows.


    Data Erasure

    We use different data erasure methods effectively to remove the data on storage devices we receive to ensure that nothing can be retrieved.



    Our team will list out the equipment that is to be disposed of. During disposal, it is crushed into pieces to extract precious metals. These metals are recycled and used for making new products.



    Once the recycling of the equipment is done successfully, we issue a certificate of recycling and data destruction to our clients.


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