Data Center Decommissioning INDIA

Get Top-level Data Center Decommissioning Services:
Are you looking for economical and efficient data center decommissioning services in India? We provide compliant, secure, and cost-efficient decommissioning for EOL assets with secure data removal.


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    What does data center decommissioning mean?

    Data center decommissioning refers to the process of effectively removing data center hardware, whether for disposal, reuse, sale, or recycling. It involves technical and administrative tasks to eliminate instances of residual hazards. It helps manage changes in the data center and maximize the ROI of the devices. The decommissioning process also involves data sanitization to ensure compliance and remove risks of data breaches.


    data center decommissioning india

    Why is decommissioning of a data center important?

    Protection Against Security Vulnerabilities

    Data center decommissioning significantly boosts all systems’ performance and reduces security loopholes. The data on storage media is erased or destroyed to ensure the security, privacy, and integrity of data.


    Elimination of Equipment Maintenance Costs

    The presence of obsolete equipment in data centers considerably adds to maintenance costs. Data center decommissioning helps to identify and remove these obsolete devices that no longer actively contribute to the IT infrastructure.


    Improvement in Data Management Systems

    When you decommission assets, it allows you to identify and delete unnecessary data stored in these systems. The old data infrastructure thus makes way for new data systems to keep up with current and future requirements.


    Get Effective Data Security During Decommissioning Process

    Ensuring data security is elemental to the decommissioning process. At our platform, we deploy world-class staff and tools to comprehensively sanitize retired devices and back up required data to appropriate locations. During this process, we ensure the encryption of critical data. We also maintain compliance with data security regulations to provide you with the best quality services.


    effective data security

    Data Erasure in Data Center Decommissioning

    If you want to subject the retired or unused IT asset to reuse, repurposing, or recycling, data erasure is a must. It is a sustainable approach for these decommissioned IT assets. Secure data wiping is critical to avoid misuse of secure data. Simply deleting databases or reformatting drives is not enough. We leverage secure data erasure practices to avoid risks.


    Steps of Our Data Centre Decommissioning Procedure

    We follow a well-documented, customized approach toward data center decommissioning to match your exact needs.


    Define Scope

    We prepare the outline of the entire decommissioning process. Defining scope involves identifying purpose, data center size, timeline, budget, team, and tools that will be involved in the process.


    Map Inventory and Their Dependency

    The second crucial step is to prepare a detailed IT asset map, listing the inventory that must be removed and their respective dependencies. We pay attention to dependencies to identify if a critical app is dependent on another.


    Create an Implementation Plan

    Once the assets are listed, we identify the decommissioning activities. We the determine roles and responsibilities of stakeholders and the timeline that will work the best for you.


    Tool Up

    We identify and collect the requisite tools, and delegate the tasks to the workforce with the skills to handle the tools. We then determine who shall look over the execution of each task.


    Remove Equipment and Destroy Data

    At this stage, the devices that are to be decommissioned are removed from the infrastructure. We identify different data types as necessary so that it is effectively destroyed.


    Pack the IT Equipment

    After decommissioning, we pack the IT equipment securely. We have a dedicated space to pack the assets based on the quantity of decommissioned equipment and the required size.


    Coordinate Disposal and Recovery of Assets

    We prepare proper documentation at each stage for accountability. It ensures seamless coordination for the effective disposal of assets decommissioned. It also helps assess which of the IT equipment can be recovered.


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    We are always ready to help our customers with the best advice and assistance.

    During the inventory stage, all the IT assets are classified into their respective categories after a thorough assessment. Sorting helps identify the equipment to be resold, recycled, and disposed of.

    Planning needs to be done meticulously to avoid confusion and loss of assets. The tagging process needs to begin eight to seven months prior to total decommissioning and migration.

    Servers, laptops, computers, cables, storage devices, power supplies, routers, or any other equipment in the data center are decommissioned. End-of-life hard drives, SSDs, CDs, USBs, tapes, etc. can be disposed of.

    Talk to our Service Experts.

    Our experts with exceptional knowledge and experience in the field ensure you get top-quality ITAD services.

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