Hard Drive Degaussing-UAE

If you are an organization that needs to erase data on all your hard drives without any traces, hire our hard drive degaussing professionals. We offer this service at the best price across the UAE.


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    What is the function of a degausser?

    Degaussing is a data destruction technique used to neutralize or demagnetize the magnetic field in the data storage devices such as floppies, hard drives, tapes, etc. Using a degausser, you can permanently erase data on both non-working and working hard drives in seconds. Data deletion happens by passing a magnetic pulse, which destroys all magnetic domains on the platters of the disk in no time.


    function of degausser
    kinds of degaussers

    What kinds of degaussers are available?

    There are three different types of degaussers available – coil degausser, capacitive discharge degausser, and permanent magnet degausser. The coil degausser generates a strong electromagnetic field to demagnetize drives. Capacitive discharge degausser discharges the energy as an electromagnetic pulse to destroy magnetic power on the storage drive. On the other hand, a permanent magnet degausser produces high-strength magnetic fields to degauss magnetic media.


    Degaussing for Both Functional and Non-functional Hard Drives

    The degaussing process can be carried out on both functioning and nonfunctioning hard drives. Using this method, you can erase or destroy the data on the drives without leaving any room for retrieval. The process uses powerful magnetic force to destroy digital patterns, thus preventing the data from being leaked or misused.


    functional and non functional
    wiping software

    Degaussers are Better than Wiping Software

    Data wiping is done with software that would overwrite the data on the drive. However, this technique lacks security, so data can be pulled by hackers. When it comes to a degausser, it permanently erases the data by destroying the magnetic fields. It completely removes data stored on the drive beyond retrieval as the data does not exist on the drive physically.


    How is degaussing a hard drive beneficial?

    Degaussing will erase data on all types of magnetic media and is an ideal way to assure data erasure. A few benefits offered include:


    Time- and Money-saving

    The degaussing process will cut down the money you spend on labor resources for destructing data on magnetic media. It also saves time to overwrite information on the drive.


    Complete Data Removal from HDDs

    It assures that the data is removed completely from HDDs so that no one knows the method to retrieve that data. The process ensures that the hard drive is also sanitized properly.


    Assured Data Protection

    The process assures guaranteed protection against dumpster divers and avoids loss of media during transportation. It also prevents data from falling into foes’ hands.


    Low Risk of Data Leaks

    There is a low risk of data leakages with the destruction of data on drives using the degaussing method. It removes financial data, emails, and proprietary information of the company beyond retrieval.


    Immaculate Procedure

    The procedure followed for degaussing is smooth and is done in-house by the professionals in our team. The procedure does not produce any debris, or dust and is done quietly in the office environment.


    Environmentally Safe

    Once the data is completely erased from the drives, you can reuse the drives or recycle the outdated drives in an eco-friendly manner.


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